Funding Equal Access to Justice

The Legal Aid Foundation of Colorado raises money for Colorado Legal Services (CLS), Colorado’s statewide Legal Aid program. CLS is the only agency in the state that provides free legal services in civil cases to clients who could not otherwise afford them in every Colorado county through a network of 13 offices. CLS served over 26,000 individuals and families in the last year alone.
Colorado has about half the legal aid lawyers it did 40 years ago, while over the same period, the number of low-income Coloradans eligible for services has tripled. For every client served by CLS, at least one income-eligible person is turned away. With your support, CLS is working to meet this expanded need and help ensure justice for all is more than just a promise.

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Donate Your King Soopers Community Rewards to the Legal Aid Foundation

Did you know that you can donate to the Legal Aid Foundation when you shop at King Soopers? There’s no additional cost to you, just designate [...]

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Join Us To Celebrate Diana Poole’s Retirement!

Diana Poole served as the Executive Director of the Legal Aid Foundation (LAF) and the Colorado Lawyer Trust Account Foundation (COLTAF) from 2005-2023.

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Preventing evictions and homelessness

Civil legal aid helps keep individuals and families in their homes. Tenants facing eviction who are represented by an attorney are twice as likely to be able to remain in their homes, or otherwise resolve their cases with better outcomes.

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Maintaining financial security and independence

Civil legal aid helps individuals and families resolve threats to their financial security that can often be life-altering, including foreclosures, debt collection, denials of unemployment compensation, unfair wage garnishment, consumer fraud, and bankruptcy.

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Protecting the most

Civil legal aid helps keep people safe and improves their life prospects by resolving issues of domestic violence, divorce, maintenance, and custody, as well as securing rightfully earned and necessary benefits for veterans, people living with disabilities, and seniors.

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Preventing evictions and homelessness for families and individuals

Civil legal aid helps keep individuals and families in their homes. Tenants facing eviction who are represented by an attorney are twice as likely to be able to remain in their homes, or otherwise resolve their cases with better outcomes.

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Maintaining financial security and independence

Civil legal aid helps individuals and families resolve threats to their financial security that can often be life-altering, including foreclosures, debt collection, denials of unemployment compensation, unfair wage garnishment, consumer fraud, and bankruptcy.

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Protecting the most
vulnerable in our communities

Civil legal aid helps keep people safe and improves their life prospects by resolving issues of domestic violence, divorce, maintenance, and custody, as well as securing rightfully earned and necessary benefits for veterans, people living with disabilities.

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Make a Donation

Your tax-deductible gift will make a difference for individuals and families who would otherwise be denied access to justice.