2024-25 Law Firm Campaign

About the Law Firm Campaign
Each year the Legal Aid Foundation asks Colorado law firms to support the work of Colorado Legal Services. This year we are kicking off the campaign with a message about how supporting legal aid provides life-changing help to survivors of domestic violence.
When a survivor takes the first steps to leave her abuser, she often quickly finds out that she will have to stand in court to confront her abuser. Sadly, many survivors stand alone.
You have the power to remedy this injustice. When you donate to the Legal Aid Foundation, you will provide a legal aid lawyer to stand in court with survivors of abuse. However, you are giving so much more than a lawyer–you’re giving hope & safety.
Will you help deliver justice for all by donating at the Leadership Firm Level of $475 per attorney and LLP at your firm?
Thank you to the firms that participated in last year’s Law Firm Campaign!
Reply Form
To donate to the Law Firm Campaign, download the reply form below. You can also make a pledge here or donate online by clicking here.